Gymnastics is an exercise that involves a variety of basic movements in sports, such as rolling, jumping, swinging, and turning the body to train
flexibility, muscle strength, motor skills/control, physical focus, socialization and balance. Gymnastics is good indeed, but you have to be
SMART and RIGHT in choosing gymnastics club to exercise so that the BENEFITS can be maximized and the risks can be minimized

Active Members
*Data updated by March 2025 - Rozora Bali, Makassar, Batam, Manado & Malang

The most Complete Facilities and Tools comply
with FIG international standards

Training programs are open fot
application for fun and achievement.
Class available for 2 years old – adults
(complete class) and the most complete
variations of class days and hours
(classes are available every day)

The FIRST gymnastics club approved
to join International Competition
We are the FIRST gymnastics club in Bali and
Makassar that approved to participated in
international gymnastics competition. For join international competition, gymnastics club must have representative gymnasium hall, certified coaches,
and also standardized gymnastics apparatus.

Class Information

Rozora Gymnastics Club